The SLE Religious Bookstore package allows you to personalize Bibles and many other items. Bookmarks and greeting cards are among the popular items that can be printed. This package includes a 2-line Type Holder that gives you the option of printing not only one but up to two lines of text. Included is also a package of our Emboss-a-plates which are gold plates that are usually printed in black and can be placed on Bibles, trophies, journals, and photo albums. We also include a set of our religious emblems that make the personalization even more special. The foil that come with the machine come in two series one for general purpose printing and the L-series that is specially formulated to work on genuine leather. Here is a detailed list of what is included:
Hot Printer Model M-800 5" Machine
Gauge Bar with Bible Clamp
2-line Type Holder YBWZ
Full set of 18-point Goudy Cursive type
Metal Type Box
18-point Spacer Set with Spacer Box
4 Rolls of P-series Foil
Pack of Emboss-a-plate (adhesive backed gold plates)